Religious Education is a core subject at our school and is taught at least once weekly in every class. As a Voluntarily Aided Church School, Christianity forms the major theme in Religious Education lessons, although we also have a duty to foster an accurate and increasing understanding of other religions. As a result, our pupils gain a greater insight into the world in which they are growing up. They are also able to appreciate the faith of others and develop a deeper understanding of their own beliefs and practices.
We aim to provide each child with the opportunity to achieve his or her potential regardless of economic and social background. We endeavour to do this by promoting the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of children.
Working alongside parents and the community, we aim to prepare children for a happy and successful future, creating lifelong learners. We want every child to leave Wisbech St Mary Church of England Academy knowing they are amazing, loved, valued, wonderful and unique, because God made them that way.
We also teach children the personal qualities and characteristics that Jesus developed during his teaching. We encourage our children to be motivated, persistent, confident, resourceful, communicative and organised.
Religious Education is provided in accordance with the Cambridgeshire Agreed Syllabus as well as Understanding Christianity scheme of work. A copy of the scheme may be viewed at the school on request.
Fundamental to the syllabus is the development of the Christian Faith whilst, at the same time, raising children's awareness of other major religions of the world. We compare and contrast a number of beliefs, all of which are present in our multicultural society.
In line with the expectations for Voluntarily Aided Church of England Schools, a minimum of 10% of our teaching time through the year is dedicated to religious education. This includes weekly RE lessons, celebrations through the year linked to the Christian calendar and other faiths/beliefs, faith visits/visitors, enrichment days, and celebrations at Church or with the Diocese (face to face or virtual).
Where possible, trips are planned to places of worship. We aim to give all children a balanced view of the religions and promote the similarities between them and Christianity, in order to foster an understanding and tolerance of the beliefs of others.
The work is supported by religious books and artefacts from the Ely Diocese, which the children are taught to handle with care and respect. The 1998 Education Act requires a daily act of collective worship. Representatives from the local church visit the school to conduct collective worship and support with religious education. Other suitable visitors, from other faiths, are invited from time to time, to talk to the children and take part in special events.
Parents wishing to withdraw their children from the devotional part of the Collective Worship are invited to discuss the matter with the Headteacher.
Wisbech St Mary CofE Academy
Tel: 01945 410312
Miss J. Lynch
Office Contact:
Mrs. A. Embling, Office Manager
School Address:
Church Road
Wisbech St Mary
DEMAT Office Address:
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