Clarkson Class - Year 4

Clarkson Class

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4 Class Page!

Please see the curriculum overview attached for more details of what we will be learning throughout the Autumn Term.

Our homework grid for this term is also attached. We encourage you to work through the activities at your own pace.

Please do share these activities with us on your Class Dojo portfolio. In addition, please read daily and remember to continue practising your multiplication tables on TT Rockstars. 

In our class you will find:

Class Teacher: 

Ms J Oliver

Teaching Assistant:

Mrs S Hall

Our PE days are:

Wednesday and Thursday

Curriculum Overview Homework Menu

2024-2025 SPRING

Clarkson Class, are you ready to immerse yourself in some new, exciting topics for this term? 

Be transported to a different time period in history? Become experts in electricity and sound? Learn about the Baltics and the Balkans? Will you become the next Matisse in our art lessons? 

Your child will become immersed in and study: The Ancient Romans time period in history (including the the rise and fall of the Roman Empire and life in Ancient Rome); Eastern Europe and Northern Ireland in geography; electricity and sound in science and look at collage and use of colour in art! This is just to name a few....

Delve into the curriculum overview to find out what else your child will be learning about this term!

In this area, you will also find the homework menu for this term. At your own pace, in addition to reading daily and practicing your statutory spellings and multiplication tables regularly, work through the range of activities and upload your masterpieces to your class dojo portfolio. We look forward to seeing them!

Recommended Websites and Apps

A selection of websites and apps used in the classroom to support and consolidate understanding of key concepts.

A website with a great selection of maths and literacy based activities for all ages. Place Value Basketball and Funky Mummy are firm favourites for the children! Free to access and a great parent's area.

A selection of free interactive games to support your child’s developing phonic knowledge (some games do require a paid subscription).

A great website with a range of free to access e-books, support and guidance for parents, a range of maths games and much more!

A selection of free to access interactive games to support home learning in all subjects.

A good website with lots of useful resources. It is designed to raise standards of numeracy across the country for both children and adults and it has specific areas for parents who want to help their children.

A video which clearly models and demonstrates the pure sounds of the English language. A great resource to support parents in modelling the correct articulation of each sound.

Knowledge Organisers

Please see below for our curriculum map and homework menus. Also attached are the knowledge organisers for the foundation subjects. 

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